Wind Turbine

A proven track-record transporting energy and wind turbine components

Specialized transportation of wind turbines
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Utilize our customs experts, on-site management and
logistics for a safe and secure transport of your freight

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Specialized wind turbine transportation includes:

  • Site management/logistics
  • Shuttle service
  • Port and stevedoring coordination
  • Crane and rigging service plus coordination
  • Real-time satellite tracking 24/7
  • Comprehensive configurations including Double Schnable, Schnable Dolly, Beam Dolly, Flat Deck, Vessel Deck and Extendable Blade trailers

Over the past 35 years, we have become specialists at oversized transportation and have acquired state-of-the art equipment, turnkey industry knowledge and a specialized workforce.

We research and pre-plan each heavy haul shipment. We also provide Movement Process Plans (MPP) to satisfy all the requirements of any jurisdiction.